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Osteoporosis is a condition of weak or deficient bone density that leads to its fragility and easy fracture. Bones contain minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, which help keep the bones dense and strong.

* In order to maintain bone density and strength, the body must be supplied with the appropriate amount of calcium and other minerals, as well as the production of the appropriate amount of necessary hormones such as parathyroid hormone, growth hormone (Galketopten), estrogen for women and testosterone for men. And also an appropriate amount of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium from food and supply it to the bones.

* Normally, bones develop in proportion to their density until they reach their maximum density at the age of thirty, and then slowly begin to decline after that age. Therefore, if the body cannot control the rate of minerals in the bones, they begin to weaken, and the condition ends with osteoporosis.

* * Types of osteoporosis: - Osteoporosis that occurs after menopause for women: it is the result of a lack of estrogen, a female hormone that helps integrate calcium into the bones. These symptoms appear in women often between the ages of 51 - 75, but these symptoms may occur before or after this age. Not all women are susceptible to this condition, women with white skin color or eastern women are more susceptible than women with black or dark skin color.

* - Osteoporosis in old age: This condition, of course, occurs as a result of calcium deficiency due to age and the lack of balance between the bones that break and the bones that grow again. The word aging means that this condition does not occur except in old age, and it usually occurs for people over the age of seventy, and it doubles in women more than men. Even women are exposed to both osteoporosis after menopause and in old age. Less than 5% of people experience two types of osteoporosis: either due to another medical condition or drugs. * Medical conditions are: chronic kidney failure, or hormone imbalance (especially thyroid hormone, or adrenaline imbalance). Medicines such as "Corticosteroids, Barbiturates" are antispasmodics. Consuming a large amount of alcohol and smoking also helps in worsening the condition and making it difficult to recover. * - Osteoporosis in youth: a rare and unknown cause. It occurs in children and young adults. These cases do not suffer from any deficiency in the level of hormone or vitamins. The cause of bone weakness and fragility is not yet known. * - Symptoms of osteoporosis: - The level of bone density decreases slowly, especially in people who suffer from osteoporosis as a result of aging. Therefore, at the beginning of the disease stage, osteoporosis does not show symptoms, and some people do not have symptoms at all. * - When bone density decreases to the extent that a fracture may occur, pain and bone deformities begin to appear. * - Chronic back pain occurs in the event of damage to the vertebrae in the back.

* - Atrophy of the weak back vertebrae suddenly or after a minor injury. The pain usually comes on suddenly, starts in a specific area of ​​the back, and gets worse if the person tries to stand or move. * - Inflammation can occur in the area if it is touched, but this inflammation usually disappears after several weeks or months. * - If a fracture occurs in more than one vertebra, an abnormal curvature of the spine occurs and causes inflammation in the muscles. * - Fractures can occur in some other bones, usually because of any light pressure on the bones or when falling. * - The most serious cases of fracture usually occur in the thigh (hip), which impedes the ability to walk. * - Among the general cases is also the occurrence of damage to the bone of the arm, which binds the wrist, and cases of rupture or fracture are slowly healed in patients with osteoporosis. * * Diagnosis of osteoporosis: - Diagnosis of osteoporosis for people who suffer from a rupture or fracture, depends on a set of symptoms in addition to a physical exam and x-rays on the bones. * - There are some other tests that must be done to treat some conditions that can lead to osteoporosis. * - The presence of osteoporosis can also be diagnosed before any rupture occurs, by a bone density test. * * Prevention and treatment: * - Prevention: Prevention of osteoporosis is better than treatment. Prevention comes by maintaining bone density and trying to increase it, by eating an appropriate amount of calcium, and doing exercise. For some people, it is possible to take some drugs that help to avoid this (under the supervision of a doctor). * Eating abundant amounts of calcium is very effective, especially before the stage of reaching the maximum bone density (at the age of thirty). After this period, you should drink two cups of milk and take vitamin D daily, as it increases bone density in middle age in women who did not take this amount in the pre-middle age stage. * There are some women who need to take calcium through tablets (vitamins), and it is preferable to take 105 grams of calcium per day. * Also, exercises such as walking and sports that move the bones and muscles, help to increase the percentage of bone density. * Estrogen helps maintain bone density and is always taken with progesterone. Therefore, estrogen replacement therapy has a very effective effect if it is taken 4-6 years after the onset of menopause in women, but taking it after this period increases the risk of rupture. But at the same time, taking hormone replacements after menopause is a difficult decision, as there are negative aspects to taking these alternatives. This must be done under the supervision of a specialist. Please, then please, we do not take any medicines or vitamins in the form of tablets from ourselves, under the supervision of a specialized doctor, a must. * - Treatment: The goal of treatment is to work on

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